AccuBook joins Tripadvisor's TripConnect

AccuBook is in the process of completing the connection with 'TripConnect'.

What is TripConnect?
In simple terms TripConnect will allow a hotel to display their rates from their own website alongside the rates from the OTA's (, Expedia etc). In theory this creates a level playing field in the industry.

How Does this Work?
Our understanding is that it will work along very similar lines as Google Adwords. ie A Hotel can set up an account with TripAdvisor, enter their credit card details and then make a 'bid' to define what position they want their own website rates to be positioned in comparison with the OTA's.  

What will it cost?
It will work on a 'cost-per-click' basis like Adwords, ie A cost is only incurred when someone actually clicks on the hotels website to view rates. The obvious question is what will the cost be?
No one knows for sure but early indications are that the pricing is going to be very reasonable. Key to this process is that the customer is much further down the buying process than they might be with Adwords ie They are definitely interested in buying a room in one particular hotel, when they actually click on the date search.

When will this go live?
October has been set by TripAdvisor as the go-live date. As usual with technology expect some teething problems in the early days

Is there a catch?
The only one we can see is that to avail of TripConnect a hotel must have a TripAdvisor Business Listing. Depending on the size of the hotel this can be expensive, although it is something that we are starting to see hotels are adding to their standard marketing budget along with Facebook Offers and Google Adwords.

See more HERE

Image below shows a typical Hotel Listing on TripAdvisor. This particular property has a paid 'Business Listing', identifiable by the website link, e mail address, phone number and availability of a Special Offer. At the bottom of the image is noted the position where we believe the hotels own rates will appear if the hotel signs up to TripConnect. The 'ranking' or position is likely to be defined by the amount they bid 'per click' just like Adwords. 

TripConnect and AccuBook



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