Hotel or Guesthouse Booking Engine
Increase direct website bookings and cut out those pesky double bookings!
Increase direct revenue, upsell products , special offers and more
Supercharge your direct reservations business with our direct booking technology.
If you don’t have a method for customers to book your Hotel or Guesthouse online via your website then you are losing business every day, and writing large cheques to the major OTA’s in the process.
See how GuestDiary.com booking technology can give you the edge and increase your direct room sales.
Grow Direct Bookings
Fed up with those large commission invoices? Grow your direct reservations business with our booking tech.
Limit selling via your own website only
Increase rates to OTA channels automatically
Take credit cards securely
Take payments automatically via Stripe
Upsell Products
Want to create another revenue stream, why not use our booking engine to upsell products to guests.
Create products easily and quickly
Guest History
Generate bills & apply payments
Finalize bill on check-in or checkout
Special Offers & Promos
Reports to meet all needs. Whether you are a small B&B or larger Hotel, we can provides the data you need
Night Porter Reports
Full ledger based reporting
Complete yearly/monthly financials
Year on year comparative reports
Increase your direct room sales with our direct booking technology
Request A Call Back.
Want to find out more, or not sure if GuestDiary.com is the solution for your Hotel, Guesthouse or B&B, then why not get us to give you a call to discuss it further.
We aren’t into pushy sales tactics, if our product suite is not right for your property, then we will be the first to tell you!