Extranet Updates
AccuBook Extranet Development
A couple of changes have been released that followed on from customer requests during our roadshows in December. One of the major concerns hotels have is customers arriving on their doorstep that they did not know were coming. For this reason we have built in several measures to ensure that bookings are successfully delivered to hotels.
We start by sending bookings to hotels via e mail and asking them to acknowedge them. If they do not acknowledge them we resend them the next day and the next to ensure that they have not missed them by accident.
On initial login to the AccuBook Extranet we are now providing a list of unacknowledged bookings along with a 'Quick Acknowledge/Acknowledge All' button. This is a 'safety check' in case hotels have not seen the initial customer booking.
Additionally when you logon to the extranet on the first page you will see a list of customers arriving 'today' from all channels ie AccuBook, Booking.com, Expedia etc etc.
Also you will see a second tab that allows you to see guests arriving over the next 7 days and a third tab with list of guests who are arriving 7 days from now (This was provided because many customers have the habit of carrying out 'Pre-Auth' checks 7 days from the day of arrival).
Many thanks to our customers who have us the feedback to facilitate these upgrades.