The Blog

Tips, tricks and loads more useful information for any Hotel, Guesthouse or B&B owner or manager

Gerry Haughey Gerry Haughey - BLACK FRIDAY OFFER!

We believe in empowering Hotels & Guesthouses, and what better way to do so than with our Black Friday exclusive offer? All new customers will receive an incredible €600 free credit on their first invoice. It's our way of saying thank you for choosing us as your partner in hospitality excellence.

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Gerry Haughey Gerry Haughey

Quality Hospitality Management Without the Price Surprises!

At, our mission is to empower hotels and guesthouses like yours, not empty your pockets!

We recognize the need for an advanced, comprehensive and all-in-one hospitality software solution that doesn't come with a hefty price tag.

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Gerry Haughey Gerry Haughey

Ghosts of PMS Systems Past: Why It's Time to Move to a New Hotel Software Provider This Halloween!

Ah, autumn – the time of pumpkin’s, cosy jumpers, and Halloween festivities. While most people are busy deciding whether they want to be a vampire or a werewolf, hoteliers might be pondering over another pressing matter: whether to switch their hotel software and Property Management System (PMS). It might not be as fun as dressing up for Halloween, but it's certainly crucial!

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Gerry Haughey Gerry Haughey

The Invisible Cost of Outdated Hotel Software: Why Your Hotel Can't Afford to Lag Behind

If you're a hotel manager or owner in 2023, you don't need us to tell you that the hospitality industry is going through seismic shifts. With consumers demanding more each year, staying ahead of the curve is more challenging than ever. One area where many hotels lag—and can't afford to—is their software systems. In today's highly competitive landscape, outdated hotel software isn't just an inconvenience; it's a strategic liability that comes with its own set of invisible costs.

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Gerry Haughey Gerry Haughey

GDU Ninja Update 17 - Automatic Payments.

Would it be useful if you knew that every guest turning up at your property had already paid and that you did not have to take time and effort to charge the guests? This is possible, in theory at least, but as usual will come with a few caveats and questions, some of which we cannot answer at present.

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