Ways to Spot Scams/Phishing Emails!
Email scams have become all to prevalent and increasingly sophisticated in recent years.
Here are some key things to be wary of:
Emails that demand you to act now
Very often these emails include bad grammar and spelling mistakes
Is it addressed to you by name, or does it refer to 'valued customer', or 'friend', or 'colleague'? This can be a sign that the sender does not actually know you, and that it is part of a phishing scam.
Inconsistent or illegitimate Link- If an email allegedly originates from (say) Google, but the domain name reads something else, report the email as a phishing attack
Delete and do not open suspicious email messages. It may be tempting, and sometimes the subject line can be catchy or so generic that you want to learn more — but avoid the temptation and simply delete it.
Attachments that appear suspicious or have unfamiliar extension (.zip, .exe, .scr) for example
Any emails requesting your login details from unfamiliar source
Never Give Out Personal Information – As a general rule, you should never share personal or financially sensitive information over the Internet.